Additive manufacturing (AM), also called additive layer manufacturing (ALM), is the most common 3D printing technology used in different industries. It is a computer-aided process that produces three-dimensional objects by depositing materials, usually in layers. You can find many technologies and variants, but the SLA and SLS 3D printing technologies are the most widespread within […]
SLA vs SLS 3D Printing – What is the difference?
Injection Moulding Plastic Vs 3D Printing
2 years ago
Injection moulding and 3D printing are both processes for generating plastic parts and components, but each has its own benefits and may be used in parallel as compatible production methods. 3D printing is an additive printing technique that produces items by layering material, whereas plastic injection moulding utilizes a mould filled with molten material that […]
Types Of Chrome Plating And Its Application
2 years ago
Numerous manufacturing, production, and consumer goods businesses make use of the chrome plating process. It is commonly known as ‘chrome’ and it provides metal parts and products with a protective coating and lustrous sheen. Chrome plating can be used for decorative purposes or to improve the desirable qualities of machine parts. You can accomplish both […]
The most straightforward method to create a composite filament with carbon fibre filaments is 3D printing. Carbon fibre filaments are associated with a fibre group consisting of different base materials containing tiny carbon fibres. These materials include polylactic acid, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, polyethene terephthalate glycol-modified, and more. So, carbon fibre in the 3D printing process enhances the […]
What is 3D Printing and What Is It Used For?
2 years ago
3D printing is a method of creating items layer by layer using computer-aided design or CAD. 3D printing is widely utilized in the industrial and automotive industries, where 3D printers are used to create tools and parts. Companies all around the world are already using 3D printers to generate prototypes in hours rather than months […]
How tempting it is that technology has made it possible to find one perfect solution that works for every situation depending on the given project and its particular demands. When talking about injection moulding and 3D printing, it gets difficult to pick one, and people often find themselves confused with the comparison since both offer […]
Outsourcing Your CNC Machining Needs In 2022
2 years ago
Outsourcing is a prevalent practise that gained recognition globally in the 1990s when many companies started to consider cost-saving as a primary factor of business development. Several countries and organisations worldwide for outsourcing to reduce their workload and achieve positive results. The process of outsourcing includes assigning responsibilities to an external body, and it has […]
Computer numerical control or CNC machining refers to an automated manufacturing process that mechanically operates lathes, mills, grinders, and other such parts using computer commands. This machine follows guidelines and designs fed to it through coding and software known as CAM. It has drastically changed and simplified production processes. It has also increased design efficiency […]
How Much Does CNC Machining Cost?
2 years ago
CNC Machining has been around for a long time, longer than you might think. And today, it is a tool used globally. It has been refined and streamlined throughout the decades to create a process that is quick and efficient at producing tools, parts & prototypes. But before you consider CNC machining. It is essential […]
Injection moulding, as you can gather by the name, is a process that is used to manufacture plastics. Mass-production of plastic products with tight tolerance through injection moulding has become quite common. It’s a cost-effective, quick, and efficient solution. Injection moulding has high repeatability, which is why it is the leading mass-producing technique for plastic products. […]